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What's up with this blog?

For some time now, I have been interested in how people around the world express empathy and offer  condolences around times of difficulty and death. What do people say to each other in different cultures when they want to offer support? What do they do? How do they grieve together? I believe that learning about how others reach out with empathy can inform our own expressions of support.

I didn't start out thinking about a blog. To be perfectly honest, my dream for a while has been to write a book about this topic, and then spend the better part of my time pitching the idea to countless publishing companies. The problem is, I haven't done any research yet. Another real problem is that I don't know if anybody else is interested in this!

I'm hoping this blog will help me with both problems:
First, it will give me a place to note and share my research. The plan is to write short posts about what I'm learning as I study other cultures.

Second, it will help me assess whether anyone else cares about this, or if my book idea is hogwash.

Admittedly, this isn't a super popular topic. When I mentioned the idea of the book to my little sister, she said it sounded sad and morbid (while also saying, "but do what your heart desires!"). :) Maybe the reason I want to write about this has something to do with the fact that I've been a healthcare chaplain for over 10 years. I've been around a lot of suffering and death through my work, and I've witnessed as much empathy expressed. I've also seen people struggle with what to say and what to do in times of sadness. I've pondered that, it would help to increase our caring vocabulary beyond "sorry for your loss" by learning from other people around the world.

If this topic does interest you, I invite you to join me in the quest to learn about empathy around the world! Please participate by sharing your experience and your questions. What are some common or unique ways people express empathy in your culture? What cultures are you interested in learning about? What have been some helpful and unhelpful ways others have expressed empathy to you? Feel free to comment or send me an email with anything you'd like to share. I'm not sure how often I will post, so please subscribe to be sure you receive new posts in your inbox.

Thanks for your support,
With my deepest gratitude :)

